Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Mooji - The Embodiment Of Truth

Mooji is the name of a Jamaican born spiritual guide in the Hindu-tradition of Advaita which is oneness-teaching beyond all religions. He has many videos on youtube where he holds "Satsang" (association with the truth) a meeting where spiritual seekers come and are given a chance to do self-inquiry. Jonahgold of Goldheart recordings has been very taken with this mans teachings and has decided to put some of his words to music in this case namely the riddim from recent Daweh Congo offering ‘Don’t Be Afraid’.

Jonah said of the recordings “I have made three cuts featuring Mooji and I intend to make many more. I think he's the ultimate dub-vocalist. I'm deeply in love with his teaching and vibe. It's my number one inspiration for all music. I know he has heard and approved of his lyrics being adapted to my reggae-dub and being originally from Jamaica he likes his reggae of course.”
There is no doubt Mooji does have a very deep, soothing voice which gives the song a very peaceful and meditive vibe and it will be interesting to hear what lies ahead.

The song is being given away free with people encouraged to share it around. You can download it here.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Boss Reggae Sounds-Reggae Popcorn (1969-1971)

Although best known for his vocal prowess, Laurel Aitken was also the most popular British-based West Indian music producer throughout the ska and early reggae era's.

This collection, from Pressure Drop, brings together 30 of these highly collectable boss reggae recordings from between 1969 to 1971 that proved to be just very popular not just amongst the Caribbean ex-pat community but also among the UK's not inconsiderable skinhead population.

read a full review at

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Springline Mix Tape (part 1)

Over at the UNITED REGGAE online magazine

you can now listen to the........

Springline Mix Tape

(part 1)

The mix blended by Gibsy, from deep in his Corsican Dub Bunker highlights some great Springline tracks from past, present and future. If you do give it a listen please leave a comment, it’s always good to hear peoples thoughts.

Soom T & Disrupt - Ode 2 A Carrot

Soom T & Disrupt’s ‘Ode 2 A Carrot’ is a full on tongue-in-cheek homage to the inhalation of the divine weed on meticulous yet insane 8bit digital reggae riddims. For those of us of a certain age, these riddims, with their bleeps and bloops bring back fond memories of old arcade games like Space Invaders, Pac Man and Defender, but despite all this techno, digital, wizardry these songs, with their heavy bass lines and Soom T’s engaging, yet at times annoying, deejay/rap style have a rough-hewn quality that gives them warmth and charm. This is no completely chilled out stoner album with a lot of the tracks having a zest about them that easily transfers to the dance floor. I expect this is the sort of album that you’ll either love or hate yet despite my penchant for more organic sounds this album and Jahtari production in general, seems to be able to make all the right noises for me.

Tracklist :

Roll It

Boom Shiva

Saved By A Ganja Leaf

Never Get Caught

Bring The Sensi (Zeb & Scotty )

Roll That Shit

Puff The Police

Puff That Weed

I Need Weed

Ganja Ganja

Wee Rant

Jungle Of Peace

Weed Hawks

They Call It Pot

Weed Is Sweeter Than Most